Program Description
Event Details
Books for Breakfast meets on the 3rd Tuesday every month at 9:30 am.
We are currently meeting by both Zoom and In Person. Please indicate which way you plan to attend!
Our book for November will be Lady Clementine by Marie Benedict – A brilliant and ambitious woman married to Winston Churchill, Clementine Churchill was one of the few women who had influence during World War I and World War II, and did not surrender either to expectations or to enemies. November was chosen for this book because Armistice Day (which celebrated the end of World War I) and later Veterans' Day (In honor of all veterans of war) occur in November.
For people who attend the group regularly, a hold will be placed for you each month in time for the next month's book to arrive by our meeting date. If you are not a regular attender, please place a hold yourself or contact the library to place the hold for you.